Fachbereich 7

Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft

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[Master Seminar] Approaches to Sustainability Transformation in Agriculture

DozentIn: Dr. Marieke Baaken , Dr. Gabi Waldhof

Veranstaltungstyp: Seminar

Ort: 94/E01 - E-Prüf-Raum

Zeiten: Termine am Donnerstag, 19.10.2023 16:00 - 18:00, Montag, 18.12.2023 - Dienstag, 19.12.2023 10:00 - 17:00

Beschreibung: The relationship between agricultural production and the environment is especially complex and multifaceted. Fundamentally, agricultural production depends on a well-functioning environment, and yet farmers are currently contributing to the degradation of ecosystems. Moreover, current agri-environmental policies promoting more sustainable farming practices are not sufficient for protecting the environment; agriculture is still a major cause for the Earth system exceeding planetary boundaries and a main driver of environmental degradation in Europe and beyond. Hence, it is often reported that current major challenges (climate change, growing world population) require disruptive transformations in agriculture. But what is meant with transformation? How can such transformations be carried out sustainably? And what are the particular challenges of such transformation processes?

In this seminar, we will explore understandings of agricultural transformations towards sustainability, and reflect on current approaches and their (societal) challenges. For this purpose, this course consists of two thematic blocks. In the first part of the course, we will cover general theories and approaches of transformation and sustainability in agriculture. We will gain an overview of these approaches and discuss their relationship towards each other. In the second part of the course, we will explore practical applications of measures towards agricultural transformation, such as genetic engineering, holistic farming approaches or digitalization in agriculture. We will discuss their potential and challenges, and assess potential solutions of the latter.
In order to gain an understanding of these contents, this course will require both, self-study and active participation in interactive course elements. Specifically, in groups of two students, participants will become experts in one topic of their choosing, and prepare a 20 minute presentation on this topic as well as prepare a 5 minute co-presentation (“Ko-Referat”) on another topic. Students become experts in a topic by reading and working through two essential academic articles which we provide to them. We will then elaborate on these topics with interactive elements during the course. Each group is required to submit a short essay (approx. 6000 words) on their topic.

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