Fachbereich 7

Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft

Navigation und Suche der Universität Osnabrück



Vorheriges Semester

Excursion: Reception and Accommodation of Refugees in Osnabrück and Bramsche

DozentIn: Dr. Sophie Hinger , Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken

Veranstaltungstyp: Exkursion

Ort: 02/E03

Zeiten: Termine am Freitag, 09.02.2024 09:00 - 12:00

Beschreibung: Reception and accommodation of refugees in Osnabrück and Bramsche
In this excursion, the participants will be introduced to the German asylum (accommodation) system with a focus on the accommodation in first reception centers. Following a short introduction to and exchange on the topic, we will meet social workers from the Catholic charity organization Caritas who are responsible for the asylum procedure counselling in the first reception center in Bramsche-Hesepe, at about 20 km from Osnabrück. In the afternoon, we will take the train to Hesepe where we will meet with a member of Amal e.v., a Bramsche-based NGO, that supports refugees and creates links between residents of the first reception center and other locals.

The excursion will be held in English.

All participants are kindly asked to answer the preparatory questions in the Etherpad of the StudIP!

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