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Forschungsprojekte - Dr. Andrea Pešková

Laufende Forschungsprojekte

L2 Spanish and L2 Italian intonation produced by L1 Czech and L1 German learners (Arbeitstitel der Habilitationsschrift)

Autorin: Dr. Andrea Pešková

Laufzeit: August 2015-August 2020

Pronunciation in a foreign or second language (L2) is a crucial part of phonological competence and important not only for the learners’ intelligibility but also for assessment of their oral skills. Most L2 learners have a different degree of foreign accent, even at a high proficiency level. The intensity of the non-native accent is attributed mainly to features transferred from the mother tongue (L1). Whereas the transfer of L1 segments (consonants and vowels) into the L2 has already been largely examined (see Colantoni et al. 2015 for an overview), much less is known about how the intonation (‘melody of a language’) of a L2 is acquired. The present project aims to contribute to a better understanding of this process. Concretely, it examines L2 Spanish and L2 Italian intonation produced by 40 Czech and 40 German adult learners. The data used in this study are gathered by means of the so-called Discourse Completion Task (DCT), an intonation questionnaire for the elicitation of different melodic contours (see, e.g., Blum-Kulka et al. 1989; Prieto 2001; Prieto & Roseano 2010; Frota & Prieto 2015). There are several questions related to the study: Are there any prosodic differences between German and Czech learner varieties? If yes, what do they consist in and where do they occur? Are we able to recognize “Czech” and “German” intonation patterns in the two Romance languages? Which phenomena are acquired first and which later? And, finally, how does intonation contribute to a typical phenomenon of non-native speech: foreign accent?

Colantoni L. et al. 2015. Second language speech. Theory and practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Blum-Kulka, S. et. al. 1989. Investigating cross-cultural pragmatics: an introductory overview. In S. Blum-Kulka et al. (eds.): Cross-Cultural Pragmatics: Requests and Apologies. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1–34.
Prieto, P. 2001. L’entonació dialectal del català: el cas de les frases interrogatives absolutes. In A. Bover et al. (eds.): Actes del Novè Col·loqui d’Estudis Catalans a Nord-Amèrica. Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 347-377.
Prieto, P. & P. Roseano (eds.). 2010. Transcription of Intonation of the Spanish Language. Munich: Lincom Europa.
Frota, S. & P. Prieto (eds.) 2015. Intonational variation in Romance. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Teilnahme an (I)FEC “(Inter-)Fonología del español contemporáneo”

Im Rahmen der Forschungsexkursion mit Studierenden der Universität Osnabrück nach Costa Rica im März 2018 wurde eine umfangreiche Sprachdatenerhebung von Sprechern aus San José für das internationalen Forschungsprogramms (I)FEC (Gabriel/Meisenburg/Pustka) durchgeführt. Die gewonnenen Sprachdaten stehen nun für Lehre und Forschung zur Verfügung

Entwicklung des Transkriptionssystems für die Intonation des Tschechischen

In diesem Projekt geht es um das „Czech Tone and Break Indices (CzToBI)“, also darum, ein Transkriptionssystem für die Intonation des Tschechischen zu entwickeln, das Toninventar des Tschechischen zu fassen und seine prosodische Aspekte zu beschreiben.

Hispanischer Fachvortrag: Pešková und Benet - Interferencias fonético/fonológicas del alemán en el ELE

Hispanischer Fachvortrag: Pešková und Benet - Interferencias fonético/fonológicas del alemán en el ELE